About us

Institute for Sustainable Development Strategy (ISDS) Public Fund

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Our vision

Strong  local communities in Kyrgyzstan sustainable ecologically, socially and economically with  strong local traditions based on continued intergenerational exchange.  

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Our mission 

We are actively contributing to sustainable development by enhancing living standards of local communities in Central Asia through building their capacities and skills based on the development, adaptation and implementing of the world, regional and local experience. 

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Key areas of our activities:

- Financial, advisory, organizational, informational and other support of local communities’ activity and initiatives aimed at developing and improving their living standards.  - Support of local communities in preserving traditional knowledge and heritage (traditions, customs, values) by increasing their capacities and skills, as well as by building  a network of local communities and traditional knowledge keepers in Central Asia for exchange of experiences and best practices.   - Empowering local communities to adapt to climate change using their traditional knowledge and modern knowledge and practices.  

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Our approaches:

Participation – joint approaches   “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”.    We focus on supporting the traditional knowledge keepers’ efforts, whose role is to care, represent, explain the knowledge, relations, biological species, forms of art and biocultural sites, passed down  through generations.   Empowering the local NGO, communities and organizations of traditional knowledge keepers in target areas of Kyrgyzstan by giving them an opportunity to implement projects on preservation of traditional knowledge and practices. 

Since 2012, our organization has implemented a number of projects aimed at supporting local initiatives to preserve and promote bio-cultural diversity in Kyrgyzstan, mostly in the northern and inner Tien Shan. 

Among the initiatives implemented by ISDS are projects for conservation and revitalization of local agrobiodiversity, the application of traditional ecological knowledge and practices for sustainable use of natural and land resources and for solving environmental problems, as well as initiatives aimed at environmental education.

Provide local communities with support in preserving traditional ecological knowledge and heritage (traditions, customs, values) by increasing their capacities and skills, as well as by developing and promoting a network of local communities in Central Asia (“Nasyat” Network for Biocultural Diversity) for exchange of experiences and best practices. Currently, Nasyat network includes more than 60 NGOs and community-based organizations, as well as custodians of traditional knowledge and community-based organizations. “Nasiyat” closely cooperates with more than 16 rural municipalities, including 51 villages in Issyk-Kul, Naryn, Chui and Jalal-Abad provinces.

Donors and partners

Our address:

г. Бишкек, ул. Калык Акиева 99/3а,


We are in social networks 




Our contacts:

+312 891 321;


© 2025 Institute for Sustainable Development Strategy Public Foundation (ISDS)