“Protecting biodiversity and encouraging sustainable livelihoods in the Son-Kul Lake in the Kyrgyz mountains” project


The main goal of the project: Protect and restore the Son-Kul Lake’s ecosystem from pressure and climate change impacts in pilot locations by strengthening the capacity and ability of local communities of Ormon-Khan, Sary-Bulak and Cholpon rural municipalities in Kochkor district of Naryn province in the Kyrgyz Republic to claim their rights and take control of their lives through sustainable governing, protecting, and preserving the wetland ecosystems of Son Kul Lake, which is one of the International Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs). The project will give a chance for local communities, especially for women and youth, to exercise their rights to a healthy environment and equally participate in decision-making processes that affect their livelihoods, communities and environment.

Sub-goal 1: Improve the capacity of local decision-makers, local communities of 3 target municipalities (Ormon-Khan, Sary-Bulak and Cholpon) on the ecological and economic importance of effective use, management and preservation of natural resources and conserving Son Kul Lake’s unique wetland mountain ecosystems.

Activity 1.1. Conduct community gatherings/kick off meetings with main stakeholders (villagers, local activists, and local self-governments) to introduce and discuss the project goals, key approaches and planned activities in 3 pilot rural municipalities (Ormon-Khan, Sary-Bulak and Cholpon).

Activity 1.2. Conduct educational and informational sessions on basics of ecology and nature conservation for villagers of 3 target rural municipalities (Ormon-Khan, Sary-Bulak and Cholpon).

Activity 1.3. Produce and distribute informational materials (leaflets, brochures, etc.) on understanding of conservation and values of the Son Kul wetlands/Ramsar site.

Activity 1.4. Conduct mapping and monitoring of wetlands and biodiversity of the Son Kul wetland area by local communities with close collaboration with scientists from the National Academy of Science (NAS) to improve their monitoring skills on water birds and data collection.

Activity 1.5. Develop and install signs (information boards) in Kyrgyz, Russian and English with information for tourists.

Activity 1.6. Create fencing to support breeding colony of waterfowl with engagement of community members from 3 target municipalities and staff of Karatal-Zhapyryk State Reserve.

Activity 1.7. Conduct "Wetlands Birds" Festival devoted to International Biodiversity Day to draw attention of communities to the importance of biodiversity conservation, wetlands as a habitat and wintering place for waterfowl birds, incl. Forum Theater with the participation of local residents, incl. women, youth, children, etc.

Sub-goal 2:

LEO, community members (especially women and youth) from 3 target municipalities have the capacity and competence on right-based and participatory approaches to reduce pasture/wetlands degradation by development of environmentally-friendly community-based income.

Activity 2.1. Conduct peer-learning exchange tours to learn best practices in Issyk-Kul region such as experience of community-conserved areas and alternative types of income-generating activities – beekeeping, gardening, etc.

Activity 2.2. Conduct workshops in 3 AAs with NAS scientists, local population and authorities to develop best practise’ rules for livestock grazing and tourism on Son-Kul Lake and develop Community Action Plans for 3 municipalities for the period of 2023-2024.

Activity 2.3. Form a Community Women and Youth Groups that leads the local community to effectively use, manage and preserve natural resources/wetlands and empower them by building their capacity on right-based approach/Gender Action Learning System and income-generation activities. 

Activity 2.4. Provide support for the women/youth groups to initiate and accelerate eco-friendly business activities to decrease pressure on pastures/wetlands to strengthen women/youth economic power.

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