Save Son-Kul


In June 2021, scientists, researchers of the Kyrgyz National Academy of Sciences Askar Davletbakov and Myskal Ganybaeva conducted monitoring and inventory of biodiversity of wetlands and pastures of Son-Kul Lake. We have created a video in which we tried to reflect not only the current state of the lake and adjacent territories, but also tell about the problems of this area. The video was created within the project "Sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity of wetlands of Lake Son-Kul by the local community" with the support of the Central Asia Solidarity Group Strategic Resourses Fund and the project "Save pastures" of the Small Grants Program "Youth to improve the well-being of local communities" supported by The Christensen Fund.

Askar Davletbakov, Ph.D., and Myskal Ganybayeva, Ph.D., experts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, carried out mapping of the flora and fauna of Son-Kul, developed a simplified methodology for monitoring biodiversity (waterfowl, pastures, medicinal herbs, etc.). Community monitoring of waterfowl and vegetation was carried out on the Son-Kul lake with the active involvement of local communities of the Cholpon municipality.

An exchange tour for CIG members was organized to Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions to learn best practices of models on community-conserved wetland and grassland areas (governance structure, legal form, achievements, lessons learned, etc.), study best practices in promoting environmental and social activism, participation of the local community in decision-making processes and sustainable management of natural resources based on a peer-to-peer approach.

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