The festival ‘Birds of Son-Kul’

 “Save Birds of Son-Kul Lake” Festival in Son Kul Lake was held  with the participation of eco-activists and schoolchildren from 9 villages of the Cholpon aimak, representatives of Karatal-Zhapyryk State Nature reserve, local government and the union of pasture users of the Cholpon ayil aimak, district and regional administration of the Naryn region, tour operators, and community media. School students and teachers performed “My Son-Kul” theatrical prologue, the festival was accompanied by a youth performance and an exhibition of children’s drawings “Youth for the preservation of Son-Kul: creating our future”, etc. At the end of the festival there was a discussion in the general group on the topic “Plans preservation and development of Son-Kul”, which resulted in the development of a Resolution.

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