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Urmat is an Indigenous pastoralist leader in northern Kyrgyzstan, which has vast areas of natural pastures. However, many of them are degraded and prone to erosion because of excessive grazing. Particularly alarming is the condition of pastures located around villages. Pastures are also greatly affected by climate change, and decreased snow and rainfall in recent years has led to aridity and the reduced growth of pasture plants. 

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The main objective of Cholpon municipality’ projects (2015-2019) is to empower local community members to increase their resilience and adaptation to climate change through revival and preservation of traditional pastoralism practices and collaborative strategies to mitigate vulnerability of ecosystems in Cholpon rural municipality.

The project achieved mid-term results that include revival of nomad pastoralism practices, development and endorsement of collaborative strategies of community-based pasture conservation and establishment of climate monitoring system.

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